Aim of the Forum Youth Services & Adolescent Support Project
The FORUM Youth Services & Adolescent Support Project aims to develop locally based youth initiatives and programmes that improve the lives of young people in North West Connemara, particularly those who are most disadvantaged. The project believes that all young people should be valued members of society and our community. We promote a partnership approach between adults and young people and endeavor to support young people to make informed decisions on issues that impact their lives.
The Youth Services & Adolescent Support Project is a FORUM initiative in partnership with TUSLA and the Galway and Roscommon Education Training Board (GRETB), under the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Particular attention to the Department’s UBU Scheme of targeted youth service delivery. The aim of the project is to put in place a youth provision for young people between the ages of seven and twenty-four years of age year in North West Connemara. The Advisory Committee of the ASP is comprised of representatives of TUSLA, GRETB, FORUM, School Completion Programme and teachers.
Award Winners for Investing in Children 2019, 2020, 2021. This award is in collaboration work for involving children and young people in dialogue; changes have come about as a result, and children and young people agree.
While services of the project are delivered on a universal level for all children and young people, it is also the intention of the FORUM Youth Services & Adolescent Support Project to continue to deliver locally based youth initiatives and programmes. By targeting young people who may be experiencing issues such as social isolation, mild mental health, are in the NEET category, drug and alcohol misuse - these programmes aim to enhance the lives of young people in North West Connemara.
The project aims to enable all young people to realise their maximum potential by listening, and respecting their rights. The project will continue to collaborate in partnership with stakeholders of which include Tusla, Planet Youth, WRDAFT, School Completion Programme, Youthreach Letterfrack, Connemara Child and Family Network, GRETB, Jigsaw, CAHMS, Thematic projects and those also referred to in section 3.3. of the application.
The programme will promote a partnership approach between adults and young people and support them in making informed decisions on issues that impact their lives.
This work is carried out on an individual basis and through group work programmes. Staff aim to develop supportive and trusting relationships with participants and use a multi-disciplinary approach.
Programmes are provided on an outreach basis due to the geographical area and it’s dispersed population of young people. We will offer a platform providing advocacy and support from which the youth can access opportunities leading to improved communication skills and confidence while also building a level of resilience. Activities will be needs and interest led.
Staff will aim to develop supportive and trusting relationships with project users and in doing so will use a multi-disciplinary approach where practical and possible. All service delivery is provided on an outreach basis due to the geographical area and its dispersed population of the young people.
Primary Outcomes
Primary Outcomes Young people engaged in the youth service will be provided with opportunities to develop in the 7 personal and social development outcomes:
Communication skills
Confidence and agency
Planning and problem-solving
Creativity and imagination
Resilience and determination
Emotional intelligence
Methodologies of working with young people
Programmes are delivered to the primary and post-primary schools to meet the needs of those specific children in the schools (e.g. After Schools Activity Programme, summer camps, and intergenerational programmes).
Work is done within group settings with not only young people but also parents and other professionals.
Initiatives are also developed regarding the needs expressed by the young people, for example through the Youth Representative Group.
Sample Actions undertaken under the FORUM Youth Services & Adolescent Support Programme
If parents or professionals have concerns regarding young people's behaviours or emotions the project can refer on to the appropriate services/programmes i.e. Clinical Physiologists, Connemara Family Support Services drugs/alcohol services, Jigsaw Galway or other services as deemed necessary.
Tusla Meitheals for young people
Workshops and events are held during the year to cater for the needs of young people, parents and professionals
Gardening projects and outdoor pursuits activities for young people
Youth Community Development Projects
Intergenerational programmes
Integrated programmes for young people with intellectual difficulties, disabilities or impairments
Youth Volunteering Training for young people between the ages of 14-18 years of age
Students work placements for secondary schools and third level colleges
Drop in Clifden Youth Café every Friday in the town hall, Clifden
After Schools Activity Clubs for 10-12 years old (Personal Development Programmes using the media of arts, sports and team/personal development challenges and discussions)
Junior Activity Programmes for the 6-10 years based in schools time
Clifden Community Schools and Carna First Year Personal development programmes
Youth Representative Group
Comhairle na nOg Group for North West Connemara
13+ Summer Camp Programme
7 +Summer Camps
STEAM programmes Science Technology Engineering Arts and Maths
Technology programming Clubs and initiatives during the year
7+ Summer Camps
13+ Summer Camps
Mental Health supports and signposting
Youth Community Project initiatives are delivered during the year as needs arise.
For information regarding other services available for young people and parents, contact the Project Co-ordinator on 095 22175.
Location and Target Group
Due to the dispersed nature of the population of North and West Connemara, the project will work with the young people in primary schools, post-primary schools, Youth Reach, and community centres on an individual basis. FORUM is based in North West Connemara, a region of mountain and blanket bog located on the western seaboard 60 miles North West of Galway city. It covers an area of approximately 800 square kilometres, reaching from Cleggan in the west to Recess in the east, from Maam in the north to Roundstone in the south.
For more information contact
Youth Services & Forum Adolescent Support Project
095 22175 / 095 41116